Jun 3, 2021 | Future of Work
Entrepreneurship sure can be lonely. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to go it alone, figure it out ourselves, and generally handle it. Getting help—whether that looks like building a team, plugging into a support community, or partnering up with someone...
May 26, 2021 | Humane Business, Top Articles
I often hear from business owners that their customers are on their email lists or following their social media accounts for years before making a purchase. Maybe you can relate. Since there’s overwhelming evidence that customers take years to...
May 20, 2021 | Mindset & Identity, Top Articles
Building an audience requires you to take up space. And that can be pretty difficult (even dangerous) for many of us. Whether because of gender, race, sexuality, neurodivergence, disability, or individual trauma, there is no small number of us who learned to take up...
May 13, 2021 | Culture & Economy, Top Articles
As a proud member of the Oregon Trail Generation, I am not a digital native. But I did grow up on a computer. My memories of childhood are pretty fuzzy, but some of the clearest are the ones that revolve around firing up the modem and getting on Prodigy or America...
May 6, 2021 | Humane Business
Back in my day… In true internet grandma-style, let me settle into my digital rocking chair, straighten my lap blanket, and begin with a good ol’ “back in my day.” When I started creating content online, there weren’t any proven strategies for promoting your...