An activity for reviewing an unusual year

Look Back to Look Forward

It’s the perfect time to look back on what you’ve created, what didn’t work out, and what you learned this year. And, it’s understandable if maybe that annual ritual is something you’re thinking about skipping this year. How do you review a year like 2020?

A different kind of annual review

Review and reflection is a key part of learning—and one we often don’t make enough time for.

This experience is designed as a 2-hour group reflection. It centers the questions:

  • What did I learn this year?
  • What will I take with me into next year?

The purpose of coming together for this experience is to witness the growth we’ve experienced (ourselves and for others) while also setting an intention to continue to explore and adapt into the next year.

While it is good and reasonable to review more concrete metrics and milestones (like projects completed or revenue generated), it’s also important to surface softer learning. A change of perspective can be a much bigger deal than a revenue target.

You can use this activity with a mastermind you run, a group of colleagues you trust, an accountability partner, or any other group of people who share goals and values.