Culture & Economy
How Positive Thinking Shaped The 21st Century Economy

How Positive Thinking Shaped The 21st Century Economy

Mary walks down Market St toward Oxford Street on a cold February day. It's 1866–Lynn, Massachusetts. Despite taking careful steps, Mary slips on a patch of ice and crashes to the ground. Electricity prickles up and down her spine. Each attempt to right herself is met...

Getting Paid: A Different Way To Think About Profit & Wages

Getting Paid: A Different Way To Think About Profit & Wages

No matter where you go online today, you’re bombarded with messages about getting paid. One quick YouTube search for “make money online” brought me to a video—actually, a series of videos all about the same thing—about the “laziest” way to make $100 per day. After a...

Hope Beyond Rugged Individualism

Hope Beyond Rugged Individualism

I'm sure I've picked up most of my US History knowledge outside of US history classes. For instance, I played in the pit orchestra for Annie in high school. And I learned quite a bit about the Great Depression. You probably know Annie's famous anthem, Tomorrow. And...

Why We Just Keep Squeezing More In

Why We Just Keep Squeezing More In

Photo by Ferenc Horvath on Unsplash Sometimes it feels like I just can't slow down. I rush all day while I work—and then I rush to fit in a walk, make dinner, fold the laundry, run to the store. My internal pace is frenetic—but so is my external pace. I'm speeding...

How We Value Our Time: What I Wish Every Small Business Owner Knew

How We Value Our Time: What I Wish Every Small Business Owner Knew

Before entrepreneurship, there was retail. That's basically my career path in a nutshell. My retail jobs were pretty varied, a stint at CVS as a pharmacy technician, some time at Kohl's as a cashier and supervisor, a particularly mind-numbing engagement at a hotel...

Welcome To The Not-So-New Economy

Welcome To The Not-So-New Economy

What happens when time really is money? Not just that we’re trading hours for dollars, but when we start to see each minute of the day as an asset that could be sold to the highest bidder. In May 2021, a new app, called NewNew, dreamed up by entrepreneur Courtne...

Money Is A Shared Delusion: Why How We Think About Money Matters

Money Is A Shared Delusion: Why How We Think About Money Matters

“Time is money.” It’s a phrase you’ve heard before. And probably a phrase you’ve accepted as truth. And it’s certainly true that there are plenty of ways that time and money relate to each other. But a few months ago, I started to wonder: Is time really money? And if...

Emotional Labor, Entrepreneurship, and My Breakdown

Emotional Labor, Entrepreneurship, and My Breakdown

My mom was a seamstress while I was growing up. She started working at her sewing machine in the wee hours of the morning, paused to help my brother and me get ready for school, and then welcomed a steady stream of customers into the house for fittings and pickups....

The Game Is Rigged: Rethinking The Creator Economy

The Game Is Rigged: Rethinking The Creator Economy

Do you remember the internet before influencers? Before teenagers were regularly becoming millionaires on YouTube or TikTok? Before billions of us started sharing our lives online? The opening bit of Iliza Schlessinger's Elder Millennial special on Netflix always...

Beware Goal-Setting’s Compare & Compete Trap

Beware Goal-Setting’s Compare & Compete Trap

A few years ago, Sean made a rule for me: no calling yourself lazy. It's a good rule—and a rule specifically directed at me. Sean never refers to himself as lazy; he values rest and sustainability far too much to label himself with such a negative term. But me? Well,...

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